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Sunday, September 6, 2009

WA-AULROians are the best!!

Well, more issues! I recently had the dreaded rocker cover leak on the passenger side. This has subsequently leaked oil all down the back and side of the motor, and taken out an 02 sensor in the process.

A couple of guys from the WA "branch" of AULRO (see links on the right) kindly came up and replaced it for me. It's a game getting the whole of the top inlet manifold unit off just to get to a rocker cover - great design Land Rover....not! So big thumbs up and thanks to Beefy, Jezz and HangOver for their help, and also to Mike_90_RR for helpful advice. The gasket was in an unbelievably bad state, and I'm utterly amazed that the garage I used to use had just left it. One of the reasons it doesn't go to them anymore. There was rubber disintegrated all around the rocker springs, and I have no idea how much has gone down the port holes! Oh well, another drama from a garage fixed properly by some very helpful guys for a sheer fraction of the cost! Can't get much better than that!!
So now I need to get the 02 sensor replaced. It's not causing a major issue, the motor is running very sweet right now, just that fuel consumption is way down and I have a strong smell of petrol due to it running too rich.

The Hankook tyres, coupled with the recently activated CDL are proving to be an awesome combination, and the Disco feels quite unstoppable at anything thrown at it, as proven on a mud trip to Harvey, WA, a few weeks back. Need to get some photos up....

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